الشروق الإدفوى

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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... .........................................................................

الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2012

Íorchillam . orchillam

            Íorchillam . orchillam . Aahadna the prophets and the launcher aggressors      

Confirmed the documents of history that Jerusalem is the Jerusalem City of Peace, and that     the Arabs Canaanites first stepped foot in Palestine before to know Hebrews Bdhor long;         came in the Old Testament Book of Jewish Sacred certified in more than text on this fact, when he referred to people who preceded them to it and described as noble and magnanimity (Bible - Genesis Chapter 14 verse 18, Joshua 10 verse sanitation sanitation 3.4 and 15 verses 63). The Jews Tmsoa parameters of the truth since the beginning, and drew through their holy book (the Torah - Deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 5-6) the story of infiltration into the land of Palestine: "The father was a wandering fell Arameia Egypt ... Egyptians Voads us and tortured us .. Vsrkhana to the Lord. . We brought forth from Egypt .. and gave us this land .. land yield       with milk and honey. "
    In Palestine did not extend time-consuming; The heart of Hebrews to the original inhabitants the Canaanites back on FA Stoloa by the sword, and founded the first country in history and     was the first of their kings, the King, "Shaul" in 1030 BC. C, then David, and after King             Solomon This was a period of a century ( 1030 BC. -920 m s. m ).
      Followed by the Babylonian exile by King Nebuchadnezzar in "586 BC. M", and the person making the "virus" king of Babylon, allowed the people of Jerusalem indigenous to return to       their homes in Palestine, and after the occupation of the Romans with the conflict between         Jews and Christians and to demand the crucifixion of Jesus in "33 m".
                  The King Roman "Titus" in (71 m) to destroy the Jews, and took over Jerusalem, the demolition of the synagogue and stoned "Jerusalem" Hebrews; did not charge them with a list   of then, returned Palestine to confirm its Arabism Xeirtha first after opening the Amr Ibn El-Aas  a Muslim in the "15 e ". And spin the wheel of history In "1877," re-time its on the Ottoman           Empire; to win Russia it and impose an agreement, "San Stefano"; by the state of Bulgaria; to   be a cat claw to Russia in eroding the legacy of the sick man - the Ottoman Empire - and the     impact upon international imbalances in favor of Russia against Turkey; was the "Berlin" in        (1878 m) by dividing the Arab world, European countries and then came the "Baltimore"             Kmsandh of the United States for a state of "Israel"; Makhlba have to be in the seizure of the    capabilities of the Arab peoples and their resources.

     And now and in the century "21" disrupted the balance of power at the expense of America Fassadt the Soviet Union after the collapse thereby increasing ferocity of the Zionists and        came from the Psalms of David "137": "Blessed are those who hold your children and beat     their rock." Was the Great Arab Revolt of 1936, and proposals for the Bill, and the division of   1937, and the division of the United Nations 1947 and now Madrid, Oslo, Norway, and Mitchell  and the Road Map, and Mahbh today to yesterday and in the December 28, 2008 explosion of Israel's wrath on the "Strip" strike all previous agreements the wall, and flying body parts            martyrs here and there and cries resound stark Mstgath his blessings Jerusalem: - Íaaorchillam ..


Íaaorchillam Aahadna the prophets and the launcher aggressors; Vandhr aggression Tatar on the defenseless and innocent people of Gaza brave to international pressures, and in response to the Egyptian initiative, which is the Kenana God in the land, which is still in the bond to that time, Egypt is the beating heart of Arabism, which protected the Arab and Muslim world, from attacks of the Crusaders and the Tartars in the Middle Ages, which provided blood and martyrs in the wars of 1948 and 1956 and 1967, and the War of the Tenth of Ramadan / October 1973, and will continue to Egypt is defending the rights of the Arab and Muslim; efforts strenuous in support of the Arab nation; We hope in the intensive efforts of the international community sincere in bloodshed with Egyptian help to find a solution to the Palestinian issue, a final solution, and the right Astrjaa stolen powers. And stop the repeated attacks on Gaza City and the rest of the glue other Palestinian cities.
And here to obey the words of the poet: O Alsader to carry on .. Aawaagafa above the wreckage of their foreheads .. Hey .. In .. Anat Dsthm of a terrible voice echoed manual .. O Aljabbarla Tzdr .. The right Jabbar patient falls asleep and in the wake nap .. Dawn, who aspires to allow it to "And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds, terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy" and saying the Almighty: "And hold fast the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves." Great truth of God.


                                                  !?yes BARABAS

We want peace, stability, freedom and justice
By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy
 Is the word uttered by Western society to the world, where one

Why the fighting and war and destruction           

hundred and fifty million people, went Dhahaharben world wars, between the dead
and disfigured and wounded and missing, dead fields of war, and death camps, genocide, and dead air raids, and dead epidemics that Tz Rōha winds of war foetidus .                          
Fbarabas said this right in the Gospel of John: "He was a thief," In the Gospel of Luke: "It was Svaka for blood." And showed a story of Pilate when he asked Romanybcolh ruling: "We are now in the holiday and as usual we will launch one of those sentenced to let Jesus Christ" and was imprisoned with Barabbas.Rushed to the chief priests and Trakd Jews of Jerusalem, and all shouted "No! - No! Released Barabbas Vasalbh The Christ!"With reference to say that this statement applied to the Iraqis and with them; Valapadh collective and killed thousands in a fierce war, grind Christians and Muslims together, and tongues, the poet says: Baghdad, no matter how you joined the Baghdad .. Days you must be driven by the days .. I lived in the history summit lady .. Aano Jahec for free and masters.And the like today to yesterday; where Westerners preferred to "Barabbas" symbol of evil and destruction, the Lord Jesus Christ peace be upon him.Where the teachings of Jesus Christ which calls for love throughout the land! Where sayings "Glory to God in Aloaalyopalnas Pleasing and on earth peace."It happened when the mob attacked the Jews olive grove to spend on the prophet of God Jesus shall submit a guard and asked: "Who you ask?" They answered, "We want Nazareth" - said, "I is not ask you only one thing," and then pointed out, however, honest caring towards his disciples who were with him in the grove and resumed his talk with the guard, saying, "that calls for these to go to their homes so that I can say to the Lord, when delivered by those who You give me your family has not one of them
We want peace, stability, freedom  and justice
. "Vnstantg of the Secretariat of the people that those who consider themselves in control of the world. . And Western society sees itself as well as they are followers of Jesus Christ .. So why not imitators of him!!.Iraq remains - and everyone I tried to Iraq how honest .. KD prisons and how much demolished what Chadoa .. Did not deter the enemies of your determination Titans .. There was no hangman free line .. I lived above the honor of death as if .. blossom worldly death in AD
    Why the fighting and war and destruction
.Unity National is required in this period in the Arab world and Islamic world, between the various messages and creeds, ethnic, geographic, religious, and then "the believers will rejoice He helps whom He is the Mighty, the Merciful God's promise does not break his promise to" rum 4/6.Faced with this Monster Alcasr arsenals and moving, I say: Be All My son, if gripped distress .. Not Ttafrqgua Ahada .. If she refuses spears gathered Teixra .. And if Afterguen Ahada broken., If I remember the interview with our Lord the Messenger of God, saying: "and my hand to you to come down Yushkn son of Mary, in installments." It is about time to come; Vsvk blood here and there, and epidemics, and pandemics spread "Corruption has appeared on land and sea for what it earned the hands of people" and the lives of those calls, is it responds 
  Why the fighting and war and destruction
We want peace, stability, freedom and   


  FROM/Muhammad and Christ  /         Khalid Muhammad                                                                             Khalid                                                                                                            

السبت، 18 فبراير 2012

No dictatorship of God as revealed

                             No dictatorship of God as revealed     


By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy                  

             Hesitate in these days that if Islamists came to power; there will be another dictatorship to replace the defunct National Party .
This statement is incorrect because the ruling applies Islamic Sharia Islamic law and only the     words of God Almighty and the teachings Aaloajph application, which is the duty of every           individual aspires to truth and goodness and justice.
And then there is no room for dictatorship in the Quran and this is what shows above; the fact     that the government dictatorship is the takeover of an individual the power dependent on the     ability and adequacy of Examples include the Government of Germany under the Nazis has spread dictatorial governments in Europe after the First World War came to the difficult conditions harsh experienced by States and is among the governments of Marxist dictatorship.
Valtgm and domination established by the people through its laws are subject to the whims of position and orientation, a personal orders and instructions issued by the ruling regime and the people but their implementation Bzlmha and injustice "and you only slaves Ahsanatena"
Islam is the religion and the state as the Orientalists of them:
              Allcanuto Schacht: "Islam means more than a religion, it also contains theories of legal, political and inter say that an entire system of culture, including religion and state together."
Adds Dr. Nalleno: "We have founded the" Mohammed "- peace be upon him - at the same time our state borders and were identical throughout his life."
Dr Fterjoald: "Islam is not only a religion but a political system as well although it has appeared in the abundance of some members of the Muslims of those who describe themselves as" modern and "trying to separate both the said Islamic thinking has built on the basis that the two go hand in hand do not can be separated from one another. "
It is noted Dr. Strömosman ": the phenomenon of religious political Islam and its founder was Etbia was politically wise (ie, a statesman).
 And decides to Mr. MacDonald: "Here in any Medina formed the first Islamic state and put the basic principles of Islamic law."
If there are arguments saying that it is not fear of the Constitution Qur'anic but based on the       application and commentators to him and maybe subject to their whims and their personal        beliefs; I would say that scripture transaction applied strictly with the flexibility somewhat            starting ahaadeeth the Prophet Muhammad and the introduction of Baraaloima four and           diligence with the text.
In the absence of provisions governing the Qur'an it is possible to use scientists to measure the equality unless it is the text from the Koran to the provisions in which the text, and the development of texts, drawn or unanimous majority of scholars on a particular provision: "Let     your nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right and forbid what is evil, and those are the    successful. "
It comes after that diligence as told by "Maaz bin Jabal narrated that the Messenger of Allah     peace be upon him when he asked when he sent to the country of Yemen as governor:" Where To control Aamaaz individual - the Book of God, did not find, replied: - Sunnah of the                  Messenger of God, did not find I strove not my opinion, he said hello. "
Then that the Koran contains the transactions and acts of worship and legislation, and is           Mahmoah of texts and the fence abstract only Matard them to the prophets and some of the     righteous - which regulate human society and its links to social and has the organizational        strength that forced humanity to respect and containing penalties, legislation that is valid for all  times and places and deals with all the divine messages; to the fact that religion is one which is of God The messages are multiple and are all exposed to acts of worship only, but the                Mohammedan message, which included everything and when it issues the legislation of the      Creator is more knowledgeable Bmakhluqath what will benefit them and harm them and best    for them away from Tersah laws and Mvsaliha; governance revelation of God is provisions of     the fittest does not abuse it and it separated the military from the executive and spin all in one  orbit under the governor of one conciliator of the Lord of mankind in governing the country, "and most of his God."

Islam and the integration of civilizations

Islam and the integration of civilizations
                                        By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy
Muslims face today and in all Onhalm various aspects of life challenges because of modern European civilization, which are Besolh scientific, industrial, economic and military stunning; and this becomes the invasion of ideas the invasion of countries, but that the invasion of ideas is more dangerous; because it dissolves the personal, as is happening in some Arab and Muslim societies, while the Islamic civilization which is characterized by delays today is the core of European civilization Islamic civilization did not arise out of the blue because it is built on two pillars are the Quran and Sunnah, and being an Arab; because of its registration in Arabic; It combines the spirit and matter, and between religion and the world, and non-racial, non-regional, and civilization of openness inclusive, tolerant, not based on intolerance; I took the civilizations of Persian, Romanian, and Srthm in one pot
Civilization is the fruit and product of human with all the ingredients of successful intellectual, emotional, behavioral and physical, and the only difference between the civilizations, is the values ​​and ideas, and their specificities to continue, and thrive, and stay
Based on the Islamic civilization that are deeply rooted in the depths of time
Term; where affected predecessors, and influenced in a tarred, Europe was in the first part of the Middle Ages known as Dark Ages Ratah in the quagmire of backwardness and ignorance Wa to delay a civilized; where a system of religious a T to prevent diseases; it a punishment from God, it should not be together to Jtha; Voadmt science of medicine and science to its impact in general and then took from the Arabs, and a resorted Neb material was most of Europe covered with a jungle and the spread of disease and epidemics, and there is the thing together, not sophistication and urbanization until the fifth century AH when astonished eyes of the Europeans together, not civilization Islamic influenced by Western Europe in the crossing of Andalusia, "Spain", and the Crusades in the Levant, and in Central Europe, crossing Sicily, and in Eastern Europe a commercial convoys.
Have marched the people of Cordoba in the streets at night in the light of lamps General, while that of London seven centuries in the roads there is no lamp in one, his "Roger the first" King of Sicily, a Normanni of care for Muslims and writing decrees in the Arabic next to the Latin, or Adha on currency code of no peace and the other a Christian, as well as a Li taking their guards from the Arabs, and historical evidence confirms cohesion a Uthik between a knowledge of the pilot and his men, Wa to the religion and his campaign; Vafiqih, and Mufsrkan proficient in medicine, astronomy, physics, and they are the nucleus and the rules of science a pilot Omtha in Islam's (Ibn al-Haitham, the algorithm wa, and Ibn Sina, and Ibn al-Bitar, and Ibn Rushd and all Muslim scholars.
This is the destination for each of our civilization and the end of "As for returned arrogant in the land without right, and they said is stronger than us they not see that God who created them is the greatest power of them" decoupled "15" great truth of God

الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

This is our Prophet (peace be upon him)

This is our Prophet: Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and those with him are severe against disbelievers and merciful among themselves 
 This is our Prophet (peace be upon him)

Prepare By:-Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Fawzy  

Freedom in the writing means that the rights were denied did not hurt, whenever the freedom of the prophet that attack exemplary manners, and beliefs that affect people derived from their behavior and their transactions, even if the words of the poet Tasat:
  I'm not from an article Bnag appellant ** If you are in a cave on Mount bumpy
It is a people who survived the Salem ** Were it not for them between Khaviy Eagle
The largest religious mission in this era, and the greatest service, for which the Islamic nation is the call the vast majority of the nation to move from the image of Islam to the truth of Islam, he said Jesus peace be upon him to his companions: "You are the salt of the earth, if still salinity salt, what salted food? . "
Mstahed my words of the poet:
  Days, but not the sons and one ** and rave nights are all sisters
When you seek it from day and night ** otherwise, who has gone through the years
It was Muhammad peace be upon him from the elite Bani Hashim and Ashraf Arabs appeared and attended mosques for "Qusay" grandfather the top of the honor and glory and sovereignty unless it meets the other, and spoke to him the Lord of Glory, saying: "O Prophet was sent down to you from your Lord, and did not do What was his message, and God protect you from the people. ".
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "I call Abraham, the Gospel of Jesus, and saw the vision of my mother who put me while, came out a bright light, it lit up her lack of the Levant"
Presented the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to verbal abuse from Quraish, and named it "Almz mm"; was to say "Do not admire what God meant distract from the harm of Quraish? Insulting and Ahjohn" Mzmma, "Muhammad and I am."
When pitted "Abu bin behind" his friend "an obstacle ibn Abi" spitting in the face-Sharif after sitting with him and he did; ejaculates God in them: "The doer at his hands, says Aalitny taken a path with the Messenger, Iaoilty wish I had never taken such a close friend, has led me astray from the Reminder after it came to me, and it was the devil to man Khdhula, and the Prophet said Lord that my people took this Qur'an abandoned and also made every prophet an enemy of criminals, and enough is thy Lord to guide and helper, "and when informed one day that" Khalid bin Walid, "went to extremes in the murder in some of his conquests, jingle angry, and raised his hands to Ahariftin
The sky, apologizing to
God asking, he says: "O Allah, I healed you than making Khaled and repeated two, and had ordered him to his companions the hands of every battle:" Do not kill a woman, nor an old man, not a baby, do not burn seed, nor Ngela, nor Tnebwa, and mutilate one of the
Avoid the face and not Tdharboha

It is excessive sense of the Prophet peace be upon him justice, he went out in his last illness to the people, saying: "O people, I whipped him at noon; this is my back Felictkd him, and took money from him; this financial you breaks it does not fear the heinous it is not my business, but I love you to take from me that was really him, or Hllny; I met my Lord and I am a good soul "
Saw Omar Luca n peace be upon him lying on the mat and Mtosda tampers fiber; Vhmmelt kind Omar, and said to him, the Prophet Zahid (owner?), Umar said: - You are the elite of God from his creation and "fractions" and "Caesar" as they it; Fastoy Prophet, peace be upon him sitting and a red face, and then said: "or in doubt you, O son of the speech? those people who precipitated them Taibathm in their lives this world but be satisfied to have the world and we the Hereafter?", he said yes, he said peace be upon him - is also
If a graphic drawing from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from laughing; Svham has God saying: "They are not foolish, but do not know" and "I Kvanak scoffers"
I am most resembling the words of the poet: -
 Knatah rock days to Johnha ** did not harm her and the drop of a hat paired caribou
Let us remember when he came back the armies of the Crusaders rebound from the Islamic East in the eleventh century AD, she returned and with it the image of the life of Muslim society, the phenomenon of law one which is subject to its ruler and the ruled, which is not derived from the will-Sharif or the owner of Alaqta consciousness as was the case in Europe, and the phenomenon of freedom profile in the choice of employment, place of residence, and the phenomenon of property of the individual Yeh and freedom of investment, and the phenomenon of lack of class of genetic and with capacity of each individual at any time to rise Bdrjtah in society according to his grandfather and his diligence and his work; These phenomena notable that do not miss appointed European, who was living in a feudal system , thin the land, its law is the will of Mr. and applied inevitable because the honor and genotype.
He based his "Francis Bacon, Bacon Rdger" sciences of the Islamic universities in Andalusia, has Antsch second book in the Book of Optics (binoculars - to Ibn al-Haytham)
• has been said of him peace be upon him and Ashizn Irving: "The victories of Mohammed warfare did not send the same thing of pride and pride because he did not have the Marib personal and if there was a Sultan ambition is to him; Vsultan religion, which brought him and after he became master of the island Arab, with his companions as if they were treated Ajuhola guards walked in his hands "
• Dr. Gustav well: "Muhammad was a good example to his people .. did not stop his presence and kindness at the end .. as well as his interest about the Muslims .. In spite of the gifts that were showered on him from all sides did not leave after his death except a little, so this was a little longer the property of the state
• said Mr. Paul: "It was a count and his impressive it, and was very jealous of the right concerning the great men .. and much Matkon Aagheirh tinged with hatred, especially in trivial matters, and so was Muhammad, he was very jealous on the right never forgot to the last day in his life .. he is the messenger of Allah did not forget that message, which never had the meat of his life and Sdaha .. It is with humility that g; to his belief that human beings of the genus
• He said, "two women" French poet: "... and it was a measure of greatness is the reform of the people was deteriorating, Who insulted to the place of Mohammed?, Have Sama nation degraded and brought to glory, even if the measure of greatness in the unification of humanity broken limbs; it is more worthy This greatness of Muhammad, who reunited the Arabs and make them one nation great, and Empire vast?, even if the measure of greatness is to establish the rule of heaven on earth, Who competes Muhammad has wiped out the manifestations of idolatry; to live worship the Creator alone? if measured greatness victory Military and influence and the Sultan, it is patch on smth in this area?.
• He was an orphan, not helpless; became a great king and the founder of empires long as three centuries ago.
• if the measure of greatness is the impact that Akhaldh in the soul through the ages, Here is a Mohammad glorify him hundreds of millions of people in various spots with varying colors, and their home countries, and strata. In another place he says: the response Biqinh to life a great idea and argument list and the principle of double, which is the oneness of God, and the same strip for the first article on the show who God is .. And the second denies Aalutnaon paste it .. I shattered the false gods, and the other opened the way to the thought and meditation. "
"Say if your fathers, your sons and your brothers and Ozojkm and Ashertkm and money Aqtervtamoha and trade fear depressed and housing Tradwnha, I love you from Allah and His Messenger, and Jihad in His way; have patience until Allah brings His command and God Aahdy rebellious people" great truth of God.
And enough peace be upon him says: "O Prophet, surely We have sent a witness and a missionary and a warner, and calling to Allah by His permission and as a lamp illuminating," he said in his obedience, "who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah" In pledge allegiance, "Those who thee but Evalon God" and "I have come to the Messenger
of yourselves: it grieves him Maantm you eager believers Merciful. "It is his love for you O Messenger of Allah, I swear to you "for your age they are for in Skrthm distraction" and I came for all people, "O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all" and "McCann Allah will punish them and you in them" and called the Lord of Glory faithful literature in talking to you, "Do not make prayer the Prophet among you such as calling upon one another "and literature" and that you are creating a great "and miserable," Taha what you Qur'an sent down to the miserable "and the infallibility of the people said the Almighty:" God protect you from the people, "he recalled but you masculine.
At the end of my article I conclude by saying the poet:
 Aanatah Mountain High Athelmh * not * to pity and compassion on the head on the mountain
And "only Tnasroh the victory of God