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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... الإعلان الإعلان. ......................................................................... المتحرك:

مرحبا بكم


الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2012

Íorchillam . orchillam

            Íorchillam . orchillam . Aahadna the prophets and the launcher aggressors      

Confirmed the documents of history that Jerusalem is the Jerusalem City of Peace, and that     the Arabs Canaanites first stepped foot in Palestine before to know Hebrews Bdhor long;         came in the Old Testament Book of Jewish Sacred certified in more than text on this fact, when he referred to people who preceded them to it and described as noble and magnanimity (Bible - Genesis Chapter 14 verse 18, Joshua 10 verse sanitation sanitation 3.4 and 15 verses 63). The Jews Tmsoa parameters of the truth since the beginning, and drew through their holy book (the Torah - Deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 5-6) the story of infiltration into the land of Palestine: "The father was a wandering fell Arameia Egypt ... Egyptians Voads us and tortured us .. Vsrkhana to the Lord. . We brought forth from Egypt .. and gave us this land .. land yield       with milk and honey. "
    In Palestine did not extend time-consuming; The heart of Hebrews to the original inhabitants the Canaanites back on FA Stoloa by the sword, and founded the first country in history and     was the first of their kings, the King, "Shaul" in 1030 BC. C, then David, and after King             Solomon This was a period of a century ( 1030 BC. -920 m s. m ).
      Followed by the Babylonian exile by King Nebuchadnezzar in "586 BC. M", and the person making the "virus" king of Babylon, allowed the people of Jerusalem indigenous to return to       their homes in Palestine, and after the occupation of the Romans with the conflict between         Jews and Christians and to demand the crucifixion of Jesus in "33 m".
                  The King Roman "Titus" in (71 m) to destroy the Jews, and took over Jerusalem, the demolition of the synagogue and stoned "Jerusalem" Hebrews; did not charge them with a list   of then, returned Palestine to confirm its Arabism Xeirtha first after opening the Amr Ibn El-Aas  a Muslim in the "15 e ". And spin the wheel of history In "1877," re-time its on the Ottoman           Empire; to win Russia it and impose an agreement, "San Stefano"; by the state of Bulgaria; to   be a cat claw to Russia in eroding the legacy of the sick man - the Ottoman Empire - and the     impact upon international imbalances in favor of Russia against Turkey; was the "Berlin" in        (1878 m) by dividing the Arab world, European countries and then came the "Baltimore"             Kmsandh of the United States for a state of "Israel"; Makhlba have to be in the seizure of the    capabilities of the Arab peoples and their resources.

     And now and in the century "21" disrupted the balance of power at the expense of America Fassadt the Soviet Union after the collapse thereby increasing ferocity of the Zionists and        came from the Psalms of David "137": "Blessed are those who hold your children and beat     their rock." Was the Great Arab Revolt of 1936, and proposals for the Bill, and the division of   1937, and the division of the United Nations 1947 and now Madrid, Oslo, Norway, and Mitchell  and the Road Map, and Mahbh today to yesterday and in the December 28, 2008 explosion of Israel's wrath on the "Strip" strike all previous agreements the wall, and flying body parts            martyrs here and there and cries resound stark Mstgath his blessings Jerusalem: - Íaaorchillam ..


Íaaorchillam Aahadna the prophets and the launcher aggressors; Vandhr aggression Tatar on the defenseless and innocent people of Gaza brave to international pressures, and in response to the Egyptian initiative, which is the Kenana God in the land, which is still in the bond to that time, Egypt is the beating heart of Arabism, which protected the Arab and Muslim world, from attacks of the Crusaders and the Tartars in the Middle Ages, which provided blood and martyrs in the wars of 1948 and 1956 and 1967, and the War of the Tenth of Ramadan / October 1973, and will continue to Egypt is defending the rights of the Arab and Muslim; efforts strenuous in support of the Arab nation; We hope in the intensive efforts of the international community sincere in bloodshed with Egyptian help to find a solution to the Palestinian issue, a final solution, and the right Astrjaa stolen powers. And stop the repeated attacks on Gaza City and the rest of the glue other Palestinian cities.
And here to obey the words of the poet: O Alsader to carry on .. Aawaagafa above the wreckage of their foreheads .. Hey .. In .. Anat Dsthm of a terrible voice echoed manual .. O Aljabbarla Tzdr .. The right Jabbar patient falls asleep and in the wake nap .. Dawn, who aspires to allow it to "And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds, terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy" and saying the Almighty: "And hold fast the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves." Great truth of God.

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