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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... .........................................................................

السبت، 18 فبراير 2012

No dictatorship of God as revealed

                             No dictatorship of God as revealed     


By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy                  

             Hesitate in these days that if Islamists came to power; there will be another dictatorship to replace the defunct National Party .
This statement is incorrect because the ruling applies Islamic Sharia Islamic law and only the     words of God Almighty and the teachings Aaloajph application, which is the duty of every           individual aspires to truth and goodness and justice.
And then there is no room for dictatorship in the Quran and this is what shows above; the fact     that the government dictatorship is the takeover of an individual the power dependent on the     ability and adequacy of Examples include the Government of Germany under the Nazis has spread dictatorial governments in Europe after the First World War came to the difficult conditions harsh experienced by States and is among the governments of Marxist dictatorship.
Valtgm and domination established by the people through its laws are subject to the whims of position and orientation, a personal orders and instructions issued by the ruling regime and the people but their implementation Bzlmha and injustice "and you only slaves Ahsanatena"
Islam is the religion and the state as the Orientalists of them:
              Allcanuto Schacht: "Islam means more than a religion, it also contains theories of legal, political and inter say that an entire system of culture, including religion and state together."
Adds Dr. Nalleno: "We have founded the" Mohammed "- peace be upon him - at the same time our state borders and were identical throughout his life."
Dr Fterjoald: "Islam is not only a religion but a political system as well although it has appeared in the abundance of some members of the Muslims of those who describe themselves as" modern and "trying to separate both the said Islamic thinking has built on the basis that the two go hand in hand do not can be separated from one another. "
It is noted Dr. Strömosman ": the phenomenon of religious political Islam and its founder was Etbia was politically wise (ie, a statesman).
 And decides to Mr. MacDonald: "Here in any Medina formed the first Islamic state and put the basic principles of Islamic law."
If there are arguments saying that it is not fear of the Constitution Qur'anic but based on the       application and commentators to him and maybe subject to their whims and their personal        beliefs; I would say that scripture transaction applied strictly with the flexibility somewhat            starting ahaadeeth the Prophet Muhammad and the introduction of Baraaloima four and           diligence with the text.
In the absence of provisions governing the Qur'an it is possible to use scientists to measure the equality unless it is the text from the Koran to the provisions in which the text, and the development of texts, drawn or unanimous majority of scholars on a particular provision: "Let     your nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right and forbid what is evil, and those are the    successful. "
It comes after that diligence as told by "Maaz bin Jabal narrated that the Messenger of Allah     peace be upon him when he asked when he sent to the country of Yemen as governor:" Where To control Aamaaz individual - the Book of God, did not find, replied: - Sunnah of the                  Messenger of God, did not find I strove not my opinion, he said hello. "
Then that the Koran contains the transactions and acts of worship and legislation, and is           Mahmoah of texts and the fence abstract only Matard them to the prophets and some of the     righteous - which regulate human society and its links to social and has the organizational        strength that forced humanity to respect and containing penalties, legislation that is valid for all  times and places and deals with all the divine messages; to the fact that religion is one which is of God The messages are multiple and are all exposed to acts of worship only, but the                Mohammedan message, which included everything and when it issues the legislation of the      Creator is more knowledgeable Bmakhluqath what will benefit them and harm them and best    for them away from Tersah laws and Mvsaliha; governance revelation of God is provisions of     the fittest does not abuse it and it separated the military from the executive and spin all in one  orbit under the governor of one conciliator of the Lord of mankind in governing the country, "and most of his God."

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