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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... .........................................................................

السبت، 18 فبراير 2012

Islam and the integration of civilizations

Islam and the integration of civilizations
                                        By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy
Muslims face today and in all Onhalm various aspects of life challenges because of modern European civilization, which are Besolh scientific, industrial, economic and military stunning; and this becomes the invasion of ideas the invasion of countries, but that the invasion of ideas is more dangerous; because it dissolves the personal, as is happening in some Arab and Muslim societies, while the Islamic civilization which is characterized by delays today is the core of European civilization Islamic civilization did not arise out of the blue because it is built on two pillars are the Quran and Sunnah, and being an Arab; because of its registration in Arabic; It combines the spirit and matter, and between religion and the world, and non-racial, non-regional, and civilization of openness inclusive, tolerant, not based on intolerance; I took the civilizations of Persian, Romanian, and Srthm in one pot
Civilization is the fruit and product of human with all the ingredients of successful intellectual, emotional, behavioral and physical, and the only difference between the civilizations, is the values ​​and ideas, and their specificities to continue, and thrive, and stay
Based on the Islamic civilization that are deeply rooted in the depths of time
Term; where affected predecessors, and influenced in a tarred, Europe was in the first part of the Middle Ages known as Dark Ages Ratah in the quagmire of backwardness and ignorance Wa to delay a civilized; where a system of religious a T to prevent diseases; it a punishment from God, it should not be together to Jtha; Voadmt science of medicine and science to its impact in general and then took from the Arabs, and a resorted Neb material was most of Europe covered with a jungle and the spread of disease and epidemics, and there is the thing together, not sophistication and urbanization until the fifth century AH when astonished eyes of the Europeans together, not civilization Islamic influenced by Western Europe in the crossing of Andalusia, "Spain", and the Crusades in the Levant, and in Central Europe, crossing Sicily, and in Eastern Europe a commercial convoys.
Have marched the people of Cordoba in the streets at night in the light of lamps General, while that of London seven centuries in the roads there is no lamp in one, his "Roger the first" King of Sicily, a Normanni of care for Muslims and writing decrees in the Arabic next to the Latin, or Adha on currency code of no peace and the other a Christian, as well as a Li taking their guards from the Arabs, and historical evidence confirms cohesion a Uthik between a knowledge of the pilot and his men, Wa to the religion and his campaign; Vafiqih, and Mufsrkan proficient in medicine, astronomy, physics, and they are the nucleus and the rules of science a pilot Omtha in Islam's (Ibn al-Haitham, the algorithm wa, and Ibn Sina, and Ibn al-Bitar, and Ibn Rushd and all Muslim scholars.
This is the destination for each of our civilization and the end of "As for returned arrogant in the land without right, and they said is stronger than us they not see that God who created them is the greatest power of them" decoupled "15" great truth of God

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