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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... الإعلان الإعلان. ......................................................................... المتحرك:

مرحبا بكم


الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2012


                                                  !?yes BARABAS

We want peace, stability, freedom and justice
By: Mohamed Fathy Fawzy
 Is the word uttered by Western society to the world, where one

Why the fighting and war and destruction           

hundred and fifty million people, went Dhahaharben world wars, between the dead
and disfigured and wounded and missing, dead fields of war, and death camps, genocide, and dead air raids, and dead epidemics that Tz Rōha winds of war foetidus .                          
Fbarabas said this right in the Gospel of John: "He was a thief," In the Gospel of Luke: "It was Svaka for blood." And showed a story of Pilate when he asked Romanybcolh ruling: "We are now in the holiday and as usual we will launch one of those sentenced to let Jesus Christ" and was imprisoned with Barabbas.Rushed to the chief priests and Trakd Jews of Jerusalem, and all shouted "No! - No! Released Barabbas Vasalbh The Christ!"With reference to say that this statement applied to the Iraqis and with them; Valapadh collective and killed thousands in a fierce war, grind Christians and Muslims together, and tongues, the poet says: Baghdad, no matter how you joined the Baghdad .. Days you must be driven by the days .. I lived in the history summit lady .. Aano Jahec for free and masters.And the like today to yesterday; where Westerners preferred to "Barabbas" symbol of evil and destruction, the Lord Jesus Christ peace be upon him.Where the teachings of Jesus Christ which calls for love throughout the land! Where sayings "Glory to God in Aloaalyopalnas Pleasing and on earth peace."It happened when the mob attacked the Jews olive grove to spend on the prophet of God Jesus shall submit a guard and asked: "Who you ask?" They answered, "We want Nazareth" - said, "I is not ask you only one thing," and then pointed out, however, honest caring towards his disciples who were with him in the grove and resumed his talk with the guard, saying, "that calls for these to go to their homes so that I can say to the Lord, when delivered by those who You give me your family has not one of them
We want peace, stability, freedom  and justice
. "Vnstantg of the Secretariat of the people that those who consider themselves in control of the world. . And Western society sees itself as well as they are followers of Jesus Christ .. So why not imitators of him!!.Iraq remains - and everyone I tried to Iraq how honest .. KD prisons and how much demolished what Chadoa .. Did not deter the enemies of your determination Titans .. There was no hangman free line .. I lived above the honor of death as if .. blossom worldly death in AD
    Why the fighting and war and destruction
.Unity National is required in this period in the Arab world and Islamic world, between the various messages and creeds, ethnic, geographic, religious, and then "the believers will rejoice He helps whom He is the Mighty, the Merciful God's promise does not break his promise to" rum 4/6.Faced with this Monster Alcasr arsenals and moving, I say: Be All My son, if gripped distress .. Not Ttafrqgua Ahada .. If she refuses spears gathered Teixra .. And if Afterguen Ahada broken., If I remember the interview with our Lord the Messenger of God, saying: "and my hand to you to come down Yushkn son of Mary, in installments." It is about time to come; Vsvk blood here and there, and epidemics, and pandemics spread "Corruption has appeared on land and sea for what it earned the hands of people" and the lives of those calls, is it responds 
  Why the fighting and war and destruction
We want peace, stability, freedom and   


  FROM/Muhammad and Christ  /         Khalid Muhammad                                                                             Khalid                                                                                                            

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