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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... .........................................................................

الخميس، 16 فبراير 2012

Holy Quran and the Prophet illiterate Secretary (peace be upon him)

Holy Quran and the Prophet illiterate Secretary (peace be upon him) 



Prepare By:-Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Fawzy

   Which No doubt that the Holy Qur'an: "the news before you, and the news of after you, and the    rule of what you, the chapter is not amusement, from the left of Jabbar frail God, and seeks        guidance in the other lost it God, the rope is strong, which is the Holy Quran, a straight path      , which is that it does not deflect the passions, not confused by the tongues, and full of scientists  , does not expire wonders, is the one who did not Tantha jinn if I've heard so they said: We          heard a strange Quran guides to the majority by Vamana, who said it believed, It is the reward  for work, and rule by justice, and called him guidance to the straight path, which is the house of  God to His faithful prophet  "

         And sincerity of the threshold bin Rabia, "Abu Walid" when he said: "By God, I have heard a word what I heard like never, God, what is poetry and fortune-telling, O people of Quraysh:       Otiony and Adjaloha Lee, passed away between the man Muhammad peace be upon him and what is in it, and Aatzloh, I swear to be among to do, which I heard the news, the Arabs were     affected by the evil Kvimoh Bgarkm, though it appears on the Arabs, Vmlleke your king, and his pride Azakm, and you are the happiest people do. "

           The best-Waleed bin invasive, saying: "God has heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Clamassa What is the words of humans, not from the words of the jinn, but for him to   sweetness, though it to charm, and above for a fruitful, albeit below the lavished, and that Aalo   not second to none, and the words of human beings. "
 He says in tight verses: "Verily this Qur'an guides to that which is straightest, and giveth tidings unto the believers who do good works that they have a great reward" [Isra: 9].
          "Says Dr. Maurice Bucaille, the French" in the description of the Qur'an: "It is a scientific symposium for scientists, and the dictionary language for linguists, and teachers about who     wants to evaluate his tongue, and the book offers to lovers of hair, and refinement of emotions, and the Encyclopedia of the canons and laws, and all the divine book came before him is not    equal to the lowest A copy of the AL in good meanings, and the harmony of words, and for that we see men of the upper class in the Islamic nation are getting adherent to this book, and          quote the verses, decorated by their words, and build upon their views, the more on increasing the elevation of the pot, and intellect in thought. "
          Said the priest Uzawn: "not in the new scientific discoveries, nor in the issues that ended resolved, and that under the solution, what changes the facts of the Islamic bright, easy outlet;   therefore, to reconcile, which are making every effort Socialized Christians is a former exists in the Islamic religion: I mean, what is the fixed in the Holy of evidence . "
        He adds of England's famous "The Beech": "The religion of true, which I found moving with civil that I went is the religion of Islam, and if a person wants to know something of this should     read the Koran, and its scientific theories, laws and regulations; to link the community; it is a      book I know, social, disciplining congenital, historical .. more regulations and laws are used at the present time, and will be used until the hour. "
        The systems of the relationship between man and the Creator, between man and man and between man and himself, between man and nature, and who sent down the Qur'an is the          creator, the creator is to know Bmakhluqath; therefore has been the Holy Qur'an is valid for        every time and place, and it is the Qur'an a house and not a creature; because the creation has period of validity is limited and ends, but the download is the enduring survival of human            remains, and that God inherits the earth and them.

           The Holy Qur'an was revealed to the illiterate Prophet of the Secretary, the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad - may Allah bless him and his family and allies - and illiteracy in the Messenger of God is the amount of likeness, "The God of the believers         when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His signs and          purifies them and teaches them the Book and Wisdom although they had been before in            manifest error "[Al-Imran: 37].

        And the fact that the miracle comes from the folk genus, which came to them the message, and that the Arabs are notorious rhetoric and eloquence, and if the Koran came at the hands of those best known for rhetoric and poetry will not believe him, and Satanmoh authored.                However, if revealed to an illiterate man - peace be upon him - do not read or write, and the        Koran as also mentioned above; is miracle given; because this talk of accuracy, the statement   can not authored by an illiterate man, and impossible to Muhammad - peace be upon him           authored; and then it is from heaven, from God, hence the miracles of the Qur'an: "Verily the       Nnasr Our messengers and those who believe in this life and on the publicly" forgiving: 51], is    the message and the Constitution of heavenly must act upon it, assign, not honor .
        Thus, we must not be like those who said: "We do not have to the illiterate way, they say, a lie against Allah while they know" [Al-Imran: 75], or who said: "You would not believe until we      see God openly," [al-Baqarah: 55], or: "God's hands are tied tied their hands and cursed as      they said," [Table: 64].
        I conclude Guli best to say the word of God, the Almighty: "beware of those who violate the ordered him to acquire a trial or suffer a painful torment "

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