الشروق الإدفوى

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مرحبا بكم

الترحيب .................................................................... الإعلان الإعلان. ......................................................................... المتحرك:

مرحبا بكم


الأحد، 16 سبتمبر 2012

This our Prophet (peace be upon him

                                                              Mohamad صلى الله عليه وسلم
                    "This our Prophet "peace be upon him
                   Propaganda for propaganda
                       Koran the Muslim holy        
                          "Mohamad"s Quran 
                           D. M.FathyFawzy
   Love of the Prophet "peace be upon him" by           following his Sunnah and the way
Muhammad is the prophet philosopher speaker legislator fought
conquer the passions and given to measures of human greatness, I wonder if there is the greatest of the Prophet Muhammad  ?!
                             French thinker :Lamartine

These persons must be Constrained to the Courts. and we hope from United Nations makink law Punishable Objecting to the Islamic religion and His Messenger, peace be upon him, and all 
other religion

As it was with the Jewis
Freedom in writing means that the human sanctuary did not hurt, 
whenever the freedom of those that attack the Prophet exemplary manners, and harm to their beliefs that people derived their behavior and their transactions even Tasat words of the poet:
  I'm not Bnag article appellant ** If you're in the cave on Mount bumpy
The people who survive Salem ** even lost their Khaviy eagle
The largest religious mission in this day and age, and the greatest service, and for which the Islamic Ummah is to invite the bulk of the nation to move from the image of Islam to the truth of Islam, he said Jesus peace be upon him to his companions: "You are the salt land, if still salinity salt, what salted food? . "
Mstahed O words of the poet:
  Not only sons and one days ** and delirious nights are all sisters
Do not you seek when day and night ** otherwise experienced by years
It was Muhammad peace be upon him from the elite Bani Hashim, and oversaw the Arabs appeared and attended inclusively for "Qusai" grandfather top of honor and glory and sovereignty unless meet for others, and spoke to him the Lord of Glory, saying: "O Prophet was sent down to you from your Lord, and that did not do What was his message, and God protect you from the people. ".
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him ": I invite Abraham, Bichara Issa, and the vision of my mother, who saw when they put me, a bright light came out, lit him deficiencies Sham"
And exposure Messenger of Allah upon him for verbal abuse of the Quraysh, and shot him "Almz mm;" was to say "Do not admire what God distracted me from the harm of Quraish? Lisbon Ahjohn" Mzmma ", and Muhammad".
When pitted "Abi Bin Khalaf" friend "an obstacle ibn Abi" spitting in the face-Sharif afterhas done; Ubayy God in them: "The doer on his hands says Aalitny taken path with the Messenger, Iaoilty to Whitney not taken such a close friend, I've astray for the male after they came to me, and the devil was the man Khdhula, and the Prophet said Lord that my people took this Qur'an deserted as well as us every prophet an enemy of criminals, and enough is thy Lord to guide and helper "When informed one day that" Khalid bin Walid "ladle murder in some of his conquests, jingle angry, and raised his hands nopels l
Sky, apologizing to

God عcallingا he says: ": O Allah, I healed you than making Khalid and repeated two, and was ordered to his companions in the hands of each battle:" Do not kill a woman, not an old man, not a baby, not Thrkoa planted, nor Ngela, nor Tnebwa, not mutilate one Avoid faces not Tdharboha
It is hyper sense of the Prophet peace be upon him justice he went out in his last illness to people, saying: "O people of you flogged him at noon; This my back Felictkd him, and took money from him; This financial taking it does not fear heinous it is not my business, but I love you to take me really was him, or Hllny; I met my Lord and I Tayyip self "
Saw Omar Luca n peace be upon him lying on the mat and Mtosda tampers Lev; Vhmmelt kind Omar, and said to him, Prophet Zahid (owner?), Omar said: - You elite God of creation and "fractions" and "Caesar" as they him; فاstraightenس  Prophet peace be upon him sitting and red face, and then said: "or in doubt you, son of discourse? those people who precipitated them Taibathm in their lives minimum while to agree to be their world and for us the afterlife?", said yes, he said peace be upon him: - is also
If a fee, a fee Messenger of Allah upon him from laughing; has Svham God Almighty, saying: "They are not fools, but do not know" and "IPalming scoffers"
I am most resembling the words of the poet: -
 Knatah rock days for Johnha ** did not harm her and flimsiest paired caribou
Let us remember when she returned armies Crusaders rebound from the Islamic East in the eleventh century, returned along with a picture of the life of the Islamic community, a phenomenon Sharia per governing the ruler and the ruled, which is not derived from the will of Sharif or his Alaqta Rodeo as was the case in Europe, and the phenomenon of freedom personal to choose the kind of work and place of residence, and the phenomenon of property individual Yeh and freedom of investment, and the phenomenon of lack of class genetic and with capacity of each individual at any time to rise Bdrjtah in society according to his grandfather and diligence and work; These phenomena notable that unmistakable eye European, who was living in feudal system , the Earth's thin, his law is the will of Mr. and applied it inevitable because of honor and genotype.
He based his "Francis Bacon and Rdger Bacon" sciences of Islamic universities in Andalusia, has Antsch second book in the optics of the book (endoscopes - Ibn al-Haytham)
• He told him peace be upon him and Ashizn Irving: "The victories Mohammed military did not send in the same thing of pride and pride because he did not have the Marib personal and if there Sultan aspires is to him; Vsultan religion that brought him and now that Mr. Al Jazeera Arab, under his companions if they were treated Ajuhola guards walked between his hands "
• Dr. Gustav well: "Muhammad was a good example to his people .. did not stop his presence and kindness when some extent .. as well as his interest about the Muslims .. Although the gifts were showered on him from all sides did not leave after his death only a few, so this little longer the property of the state
• said Mr Paul: "He was carrying a count and his impressive it, and was very jealous of the right would greats men .. and much Matkon Aagheirh tinged with hatred, especially in nonsense, and so was Mohammed, was very jealous right never forgot to the last day in his life he is the messenger of God .. never forget that letter, which was his life and weft Sdaha .. It is, however, g humility; belief that of the human race
• "The Amrtin" French poet: "... and it was a measure of greatness is to fix people was deteriorating, Who would ride roughshod to place Muhammad?, Have Sama nation degraded and submit them to glory, even if a measure of greatness in uniting human loose limbs; it worthy this greatness of Muhammad, who reunited the Arabs and make them one nation great, and empire vast?, even if a measure of greatness is to establish the rule of heaven on earth, it is this which competes Muhammad has wiped manifestations pagan; to reside worship the Creator alone? even measured greatness victory Military and influence The Sultan, itApproximately ه in this regard?.
• He was an orphan, not helpless; became a great king and founder of empires lasted three centuries ago.
• Had a measure of greatness is the impact that live forever in the souls over the generations, Here is a Muhammad exalting hundreds of millions of people in various spots with varying colors, and their homelands, and strata. Elsewhere he says: The Re Biqinh to life a great idea and argument list and the principle of double, which is the oneness of God, and divest itself of the first article show is God .. The second denies paste Aalutnaon .. I shattered the false gods, and opened the way to the other thought and reflection. "
"Say if your fathers and your sons and your brothers and Ozojkm and Ashertkm and funds Aqtervtamoha and trade fear depressed and housing Tradwnha, I love you by Allah and His Messenger, and Jihad in His way; وChallengeا until God comes ordering and God Aahdy wrongdoing folk" great truth of God.
And enough peace be upon him says: "O Prophet Verily We have sent thee a witness and a missionary and a warner, and calling to Allah by His permission and a lamp illuminating" and said in his obedience "who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God" In pledge allegiance "Those who thee but Evalon God" and "I have come to the Messenger from yourselves, it grieves him Maantm keen you believers Merciful. "
It is his love you O Messenger of Allah, I swear your "for your age they for in Skrthm blindly" and I came to all people, "O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all" and "McCann God to punish them and you in them" and called the Lord of Glory faithful literature in talking to you, "Do not make prayer prophet among you Kdaa one another "and literature" You are creating a great "and miserable" Taha sent down to you the Koran toFatigueى "and infallibility of the people said, the Almighty:" God protect you from the people, "he recalled but you evocative.
At the end of my article conclude with the words of the poet:
 Aanatah Mountain High for Athelmh ** no pity on the head and took pity on the mountain
And "Otherwise Tansrōh may God assist him,"

Mohammad our lover even though the unbelievers
Mohamad our Lover
Islamic world must close the YouTube film, which made ​​a mistake in the right of the Messenger of َِِAllah

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